Friedman - traduction vers français
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Friedman - traduction vers français

Friedmann; Fried man; Friedman (surname)

Friedman, family name
Milton Friedman         
Milton Friedman (born 1912), American economist and advocate of the free market system, winner of the 1976 Nobel Prize for Economics



Friedman, Friedmann, and Freedman are surnames of German origin, and from the 17th century were also adopted by Ashkenazi Jews. It is the 9th most common surname in Israel (8th among Jews) and most common exclusively Ashkenazi name. They may refer to:

Exemples de prononciation pour Friedman
1. MICHAEL FRIEDMAN: Michael Friedman, composer.
Misery on Broadway _ Laurie Metcalf + More _ Talks at Google
2. THOMAS FRIEDMAN: Thank you, Mr. Friedman.
The World is Flat - A Brief History of the 21st Century _ Thomas Friedman _ Talks at Google
3. >>Howard Friedman:
The Measure of a Nation _ Howard Friedman _ Talks at Google
Stewart Friedman _ The Leadership Approach You Need to Parent with Purpose _ Talks at Google
5. Miriam Perez, Ann Friedman,
Exemples du corpus de texte pour Friedman
1. Milton Friedman devient le chef de file des monétaristes.
2. Il y a de quoi sourire. – Vous ętes encore plus sév';re envers l‘économiste ultralibéral Milton Friedman... – Friedman a créé cette crise!
3. Ces gains faciles ont aussi leurs défenseurs, ŕ l‘instar Milton Friedman.
4. L‘Université de Chicago a fondé le conservatisme moderne américain: Leo Strauss, Milton Friedman.
5. Dans les années 80, la plupart des banques centrales appliquent les idées de Milton Friedman.